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A time series is a collection of observations made sequentially in time. Examples of time series are the daily closing value of the Dow Jones index, monthly returns from stock markets, daily mortality counts, air pollution measurements, temperature data, traffic accidents, etc. The difference of time series from other modelling methods is that time series analysis accounts for the fact that data points taken over time may have an internal structure. Goal: The goal of the course is to introduce different statistical models for time series and learn the main methods to estimate these models. The students will be able to learn how to identify the ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) models by analyzing the autocorrelation and partial- autocorrelation graphs, fit the models and forecast the time series for the given financial time series using the available software packages. Course Outline (Subject to change): 1. Introducti ... Read more » Attachments: Image 1
"ODLAR YURDU" Universiteti ile ABŞ-in "LYNKOLN" - Universiteti arasinda BBA ve MBA proqramlari uzre baqlanmiş müqavileye esasinda "LYNKOLN" Universitetinin diplomunu almaq imkani. MBA ve BBA kurslarina qebul olmaq uchun "OYUEducation Center" - terefinden kechirilen xususi hazirliq kurslari teklif olunur.
Dersler "ODLAR YURDU" Universitetinde intensiv süretde 6 semestr erzinde heftede 6 gün olmaqla her gün 7 saat- nahar yemeyinden qabaq 3.5 saat nahar yemeyinden sonra 3.5 saat olaraq "LYNKOLN" Universitetinin müellimleri terefinden keçirilir.
İngilis dili seviyyesi ashaqi olan telebelere Universitetin daxilinde faliyyet gosteren Bell Baku İnternational kurslarinda ishtirak ederek İngilis dill seviyyesini artira bilerler.
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Odlar Yurdu Universiteti-nin tehsil ve tedris ishlerinde gorulen butun yeniliklerden telebeleri ve istekli shexisleri melumatlandirmaqdir. Site-in dizayn cehetden zeif ve informasiya sisteminin bol olmamasi uchun uzurlu saymanizi umud edirem. Esas meqsed gunumuzde Odlar Yurdu Universitetinde yeni yaradilmish "OYUEducation Center" tehsil merkezinin deyishiklikleri haqinda informasiyanin suretli inkishafi, yarandiqi gunden daimi yenilenen teklifleri fikrinize chatdirmaqdir. "OYUEC" Tehsil merkezi ashaqidaki profiller uzre fealiyyet gosterir
Odlar Yurdu Universiteti MBA-proqraminda tehsil alan telebeler-KECIRILEN DERSLERE AID BUTUN VERILEN MATERIALLAR "File Catalog" - da. Daxil olub Downloads ede bilersiniz.
The Odlar Yurdu University is inviting the auditors, bank employees and finance and business agents with undergraduate degree to continue their education in bilingual (English and Azerbaijani) International MBA program on Finance and Credit, Business Administration, General Management, International Business and Marketing.
We are inviting you to attend the preparatory classes in Informatics, English, Logic and MBA programs taught in “OYUEducation Center” in order to achieve better results. The applications for the forthcoming examinations in December are currently being accepted.
OYUEducationCenter MBA (Dekabr da keçirilecek imtahanlar da nezerde tutulub) ve Magistraturaya hazırlıq kursları üzre qebul elan edir. |